Anarcho-Tyranny and Fake News in Minneapolis

Samuel Francis defined Anarcho-Tyranny (which a friend of mine also calls Tyrannarchy) as an armed dictatorship without rule of law or a government that zealously regulates the lives of its citizens but doesn’t fullfil the protective role of law. 

So some classic examples of this are: grooming gangs, mostly of Pakistani origin, run amok in Great Britian, that rape, pimp, and traffic white, British, women and girls. But the authorities, for a variety of reason, mostly turn a blind eye to this. But say anything against it on Twitter, and oh buddy, they’ll be there right quick to kick in your door.

In America, Pedophiles, child rapists, even when caught and convicted, get ridiculously light sentences. A lot of them are out in a few years. Now some people excuse this because a large number of them also get killed in prison, by other prisoners. And that’s true, but it doesn’t change the fact that the system isn’t doing justice. We’re literally counting on our lowlifes and criminals, in a haphazard, disorganized fashion, to administer the full measure of justice. But once these creeps get out, on the rare occasion that some vigilante catches them ogling another kid, or worse, and makes sure justice is done, the authorities throw the book at HIM, giving vigilantes much stiffer sentences than child rapists.

Charlottesville, 2017, a variety of right wing individuals and groups gathered for a permitted protest against the removal of Confederate statues. Cops showed up in force to aggressively deny their constitional rights, which courts had already said they had to protect. Cops pushed the protesters out of the designated protest area but did not provide them any protection from violent counter protesters throwing acid, urine, rocks, and armed with a variety of deadly weapons. In fact, cops pushed protesters and counter protesters together, guaranteeing a brawl. One car of departing protesters was mobbed by armed and violent leftists and minorities, beating on it, and it attempted to force its way out through the crowd. Several were injured and one died, though it’s not entirely clear if those things are even related. The driver of that car was charged and received a heavy sentence. Several other protesters received lesser charges. Virtually none of the counter protesters did, at least none that I’m aware of.

In Minneapolis and other cities, Cops will wander around randomly harassing, occasional assaulting, and even killing petty criminals, suspected petty criminals, or unlucky innocents, but when they’re really needed, like in a riot, they’re nowhere to be found, even if their own behavior provoked the riot.

Minneapolis police are saying it’s too risky for them to confront looters and they’re just hunkering down in their precincts, or abandoning them to the crowds. They still have time to arrest shopkeepers for shooting looters, however.

In Baltimore, after police, some of them black, serving a black mayor, killed a black man as part of a racist white conspiracy to disproportionately target the black community, they then stood back and watched Baltimore riot, in the words of the mayor “to give those who wished to destroy space to do that.”

For the last 19 years a federal agency called the TSA has routinely wasted billions of dollars and years of our time on elaborate security theater that routinely fails to stop simulated threats from getting through and has NEVER stopped an actual terrorist attempt. It’s basically just a costly charade to make you feel violated and put upon, but it doesn’t actually make you any safer.

The examples go on and on…
When I was a libertarian I HATED cops for their manifold abuses and misconducts. When I started to become more nationalist and rightwing, that started to moderate somewhat, never to the point that I liked cops or, would have said anything like “blue lives matter.” But if anything seems true it’s that a diverse, multicultural society requires more aggressive policing than a homogenous one. A police state is just one price we pay for allowing certain groups to live among us. Just tally it up as another cost of diversity and multiculturalism. I don’t like diversity, and I don’t like cops, but as long as we have diverse groups it SEEMS like it would be nice if we also had some cops to keep them from getting totally out of line. But you know what? You can NEVER trust cops to be there when they’re needed most and that’s true for two primary reason.

First, Cops always get their marching orders from hostile elites and institions. Most of these problems that would make us even want cops ultimately derive from entrenched and long-standing treason at the top levels. The highest ranking individuals in the most powerful institions have all got parasitic and malicious agendas that the majority of the public quite sensibly will not support, and by golly they’re going to cram those down our throats even if they have to replace us with a never ending deluge of cheaper and cheaper replacement voters from the turd world or pander to and farm hostile, dependent, parasitic, urban underclasses. And that sets the tone and dictates priorities for every level below them, right down to the cop on the street, and that will always be true until we deal with the elite treason problem, despite the police, and over the best efforts of the police to protect their chain of command.

Second, cops are lazy and self-serving. Their behavior can usually be predicted just by what would be easiest or most convenient for them, personally, at any given instant. So is it easier to deescalate a situation gracefully, using diplomacy and the credible threat of force, or just flex and smack people around gratuitously? Is it easier to use targeted and appropriate force or just go apeshit on people? Well, with a high degree of probability that predicts what they’re going to do. But when that kind of behavior inevitably provokes a riot, is it easier to just hunker down and wait for it to blow over, or get out there and actually maintain order and protect property? Again, that seems to predict what they’re most likely to do. Which is easier, preventing or solving actual crimes, or padding departmental revenue by writing a bunch of bullshit tickets? Which is easier…?

But I mean everyone is lazy or self-serving to some extent, why is this so out of control with cops, even in the exercise of what may still be necessary or helpful duties? Well it’s because they essentially have no competition, and no accountability. The competition is an easy thing to understand, cops have a monopoly on the use of violence to enforce the law. What happens to monopolies? They get careless and unresponsive. A monopoly on shoes would make shitty shoes and wouldn’t care what you thought about it. A monopoly on clothes would make shitty clothes and wouldn’t care what you thought about it. A monopoly on bread would make shitty bread and wouldn’t care what you thought about it. Why? Just because doing it poorly is easier than doing it well, and if you can’t go to another source, it doesn’t matter what you think about it.

This monopoly aspect also explains police priorities. A pedophile is not a direct threat to police or courts, so they’re lacksidaisical about punishing child rape. But a vigilante is a direct threat to police and courts because it shows someone else can supply the justice they won’t, and undercuts their legitimacy. A riot is not much direct threat to police. It’s a bit of bother, it means a bit of overtime, but that has benefits for them as well as costs. But a riot actually increases demand for authority. A riot gets people who aren’t rioting clammoring for police protection or police intervention, which may, or more likely may not, be forthcoming. But people defending themselves and their businesses in a riot IS a direct threat to police, because it shows another way, a way where police aren’t really necessary, and that terrifies them more than anything.

Now, as for accountability, that is non existant for a few reasons, but mainly because we’re counting on it to be self-imposed. There are cops to police the cops, but they’re lazy and self-serving too. Would it be easier to keep a close eye and a short leash on their own, or not? Right, so they’re not. Then there is the fact that cops are all buddy buddy with the prosecutors. They work together day in and day out to press charges against citizens, on a variety of grounds, real, or cooked up. Then, when a cop steps out of line, you have to count on a prosecutor to bring charges against a friend and colleague. In England they have private prosecution. Anyone can press charges against anyone. But in America, since colonial times even, we’ve had public prosecution. In some jurisdictions, the victim of a crime can file a “writ of mandamus” to force a prosecutor to press charges, but in general it’s up to prosecutorial discretion. Even the mayor of Minneapolis, a man who looks disquietingly like Justin Trudeau, and echos all the fake news narratives, had to rely on the district attorney to bring charges against the cop he wanted to throw under the bus. The district attorney dragged feet saying that there was evidence that didn’t tend to support conviction, but finally brought charges. Someone in Minneapolis was saying this is the fastest they’ve ever brought charges against a cop but it still didn’t seem very fast.

The other thing is cops are given a lot power and responsibility and a lot of benefit of the doubt. It’s understood that their work puts them in dangerous situations where they have to make tough calls and it’s not really considered appropriate to second guess a bad call from the sidelines or after the fact. If a normal citizen like you or me kicked in someone’s door looking for drugs and then shot the occupants for defending themselves, and it turned out there were no drugs and we weren’t even at the right address, it would be an open and shut murder conviction. We wouldn’t even get past “well, I kicked in the door looking for drugs” and the judge would be all over us. Why were you there? Why were you doing that? Who gave you that authority? We wouldn’t have a good answer to any of those questions. But cops do. They can say “it’s my job” and “you did your honor” and “sorry, mistakes happen” and “I was afraid for my life.” And that usually flies. Should that be their job though? That’s a good question and I’ll come back to it later.

Any time something like this happens, if it involves a black person, the FAKE NEWS slots it into a grand narrative, where cops all over the country are systematically killing black people, just because they’re black. They suggest, or imply, or sometimes outright state, this narrative by focusing on certain cases that reinforce the narrative and glossing over others that don’t. If it’s a white cop and black suspect they ALWAYS emphasize this, over and over. In other cases, not so much. If you’re familiar with names like Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Freddie Gray, Tamir Rice, Philando Castile, and now, George Floyd, but NOT names like Kelly Thomas, Daniel Shaver, Justine Damond, Then you’ve fallen pray to this narrative.

Even I’ve fallen pray to this narrative to some extent. I know there are more white examples, but I can’t remember them off the top of my head and when I went to search for them, pretty much all I got were black results. 

Data compiled from a variety of sources show that cops in America kill on the order of a thousand people per year. This is hundreds of times more than in comparable, advanced, nations. Is this necessary? Is it helpful? A lot of those killed are lowlifes who certainly won’t be missed, but a lot of them are also innocents killed by mistake or overzealousness. For the most part I think it would almost certainly be better if the killing that needed to be done, and in principle we could stand to do lot more, was done with more deliberation and due process and transparency, instead of chaotically and ad hoc, in the streets.

Now of those approximately 1000 who Police kill each year, data show that more are white than black, which means that blacks are at least somewhat UNDERREPRESENTED, or whites are overrepresented, as victims of police killings, because blacks do about half of the serious crime. Studies that attempt to control for the circumstances or other variables usually find that blacks are no less likely than whites or Hispanics to survive police encounters.

Other studies have found that white officers are less likely to kill non-white suspects than non-white officers are. So the FAKE NEWS media narrative doesn’t stand up to serious scrutiny. But that doesn’t stop them from trotting it out whenever it suits them. George Floyd had barely even stopped breathing and they were already making sure we knew he was black and the officer who choked him out with his knee was white, as if that proved, ipso facto, that race was the main motivation; and bringing up the same literal handful or two of other cases that this whole flimsy narrative rests upon, some of which have themselves fallen apart under scrutiny.

That doesn’t appear to be the case here. There really does appear to be no reasonable explanations for the cops’ actions in this case, but it’s still a leap from there to “racism” and from there to “all cops are racist.” Although I’d be surprised if a lot of them weren’t just because of what they inevitably see.

So the results were predictable. Blacks in Minneapolis and a few other cities rioted. Businesses were looted. Televisions, athletic shoes, and bottles of alcohol were redistributed to long suffering blacks as compensation for decades of targetted mass murder, according to the FAKE NEWS. 

I don’t really know why the FAKE NEWS decided now would be a good time to instigate race riots. Maybe they think it’ll help them somehow in the fall. Maybe they’re just too high on their own supply and don’t even know how to turn off the bullshit.

But I’m not actually too butthurt about it. Maybe you can tell my sympathies don’t exactly lie with the cops. Nor do my sympathies lie with the businesses that have been looted and burned, most of whom are exemplars of woke Capitalism and have virtue signalled about welcoming diversity and reinforcing blacks’ victim complexes. And my sympathies certainly don’t lie with ordinary shitlibs in shitlib cities, they can burn as far as I’m concerned. And I don’t have much sympathy for the rioters or looters. But as long as they’re going after police and big businesses, and demonstrating to conservatives who are still stuck on egalitarianism and civic nationalism the futility of trying to integrate them into a civilized society or appease their unquenchable sense of grievance and entitlement. I don’t really mind. I even have a (very little) bit of grudging respect for the vigor with which they defend their perceived interests and go after what they want. If our people had even half of that, we wouldn’t have half the problems we have.

I mean that’s one reason that cops in Europe won’t go after unruly Muslim invaders, because they’ll rally and push back in large numbers, but they WILL go after cowed European whites, who aren’t sufficiently cowed, because our people won’t. That’s the second reason, besides that cops always get their marching orders from hostile, treasonous, elites, with antiwhite, antiwestern, agendas.

So what’s the solution to all this? Well, here are my recommendations.
First, let’s knock cops off their pedestals. No special powers for them. And any powers they have, we have too.

Cops don’t need to be a privileged enforcer class with special powers and immunities. They can just be regular citizens who, to the extent we have any cops at all, just happen to specialize in a job that any one of us may ALSO do, should the need arise. So fewer cops, less power for cops, and more power for citizens, including power to employ violence to maintain law and order. We’ve abdicated our authority to maintain civilization to an unaccountable enforcer caste for too long, and they haven’t conducted themselves well. Time to take it back.

Second, reintroduce private prosecution. Let citizens press charges themselves, against other citizens, or against officials. The courts, with judges and juries presiding, still get to decide the outcomes, of course. But prosecutions that weren’t formerly practical would become practical and accountability that wasn’t formerly forthcoming would be forthcoming. 

FAKE NEWS; incitement to riot on false pretexts is an act of criminal aggression and grounds for prosecution and punishment. With private prosecution, we should be able to to take care of the FAKE NEWS.

And finally, separation from uncivilized hordes. No more forced integration. No more false, parasitic, equality propaganda. No more grievance and entitlement politics. Peaceful separation or unpeaceful conflict and war.